International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)



  • Judith Michael and Abel Gómez joined the Editorial Board of SoSyM (May 2024).
  • Antonio Cicchetti, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Adrian Rutle, and Massimo Tisi joined the Editorial Board of SoSyM (January 2024).
  • Scores:
    • Impact Factor 2023 (2 years): 2.0
    • Impact Factor 2023 (5 years): 2.1
    • CiteScore 2023: 6.0
    • H5 Index 2023: 59
    • Downloads 2023: 354,238
    • SJR 2023: 0.840
    • SNIP 2023: 1.586
    See also for further details.
  • Congratulations to Hong Mei one of our members of the SoSyM Editorial Board who is named as 2022 ACM Fellow for his contributions to software engineering research and translation, and establishing research standards in China.
  • Benoit Combemale joined SoSyM as new Editor-in-Chief together with Stéphanie Challita as Assistant Editor (January 2023)
  • Congratulations to members of the SoSyM Editorial Board! Lionel Briand and Wil van der Aalst were named as 2020 ACM Fellows for their significant career research accomplishments. Wil was also recently named a 2020 IEEE Fellow and Lionel is a 2010 IEEE Fellow.
  • The long-time SoSyM Associate Editor Jean-Marc Jézéquel received the distinguished MODELS 2020 Career Award

Current Call for Papers of Theme Sections:

Other Information:

SoSyM Journal-First Papers presented at MODELS

SoSyM is proud to announce that it has a systematic track to submit papers "journal first". This initiative enables authors of SoSyM articles that have not been presented elsewhere (not even in shorter form) to reach a broader conference audience.

Since 2015 the MODELS conference and SoSyM have established a continuing collaboration to host the presentations of the papers that have been submitted as journal-first papers at the conference.

We assume that this is a synergetic situation for both, as it enriches the conference program with works that may not fit the standard conference format and process, and on the other hand, may draw more attention to SoSyM.

SoSyM is Soliciting Survey Articles

In order to improve SoSyM by addressing community needs, we asked readers and authors to suggest the topics and themes that they would like to see in future issues. Several responses suggested the need for survey/overview articles that address specific areas of software and systems modeling. Therefore, we encourage the submission of survey articles that are of excellent quality (e.g., a systematic literature review of a SoSyM topic area, or a deep overview of a specific area that summarizes past work and synthesizes a future research plan while also identifying open problems).

If you have an idea for a survey paper about a modeling theme, please consider submitting a scientific assessment in the form of an article to SoSyM. Survey articles will still be reviewed according to high-quality standards, but do not need to contain a research experiment that has novel findings. Authors may also contact us before submission and provide a suggested topic area, list of authors, and a short argument that motivates the importance of the area surveyed. Other items that could be included in the correspondence are: why are the proposed authors the appropriate experts to serve as an authority to write such a survey, what comparison and evaluation criteria (e.g., epistemological, empirical, or any analytical form) will be used to categorize or distinguish the contributions made in the area. An outline, as well as an initial list of surveyed papers, tools, or approaches may be included in the correspondence.

Survey papers for SoSyM must be of high quality and within the scope of the journal. A paper can only be accepted if it is excellent in all four of these categories:

  • Technical quality is high.
  • Relevance to significant areas of research or practice is high.
  • The level of general interest is high.
  • The presentation is effective.

Aims and Scope

Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) is a bi-monthly international journal (published in English) that focuses on theoretical and practical issues pertaining to the development and application of modeling languages and techniques for software, as well as engineered and natural systems and processes. The aim of the journal is to publish high-quality works that (1) further understanding of the theoretical and foundational underpinnings of modeling languages and techniques, (2) present rigorous analyses of modeling experiences, and (3) introduce scalable modeling techniques and processes that facilitate rigorous and efficient development and understanding of software and systems. SoSyM encompasses several communities involving modeling languages and techniques, such as Model-Driven Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, or Data Engineering.

The journal is unique in its emphasis on theoretical foundations of modeling languages and techniques, and on rigorous analyses of "real-world" modeling experiences. The balance of theoretical works and works based on in-depth analyses of experiences offers insights to researchers that can inform future investigations into better modeling languages and techniques, and provides modeling practitioners with a deeper understanding of modeling languages and techniques that can lead to more effective application.

The journal targets researchers, practitioners and students who have a vested interest in results generated by high-quality modeling research and by rigorously analyzed modeling experiences. We invite authors to submit papers that discuss and analyze research challenges and experiences pertaining to software and system modeling languages, techniques, tools, practices and other facets. The following are some of the topic areas that are of special interest, but the journal publishes on a wide range of software and systems modeling concerns:

  • Domain-specific models and modeling standards
  • Model-based testing techniques
  • Model-based simulation techniques
  • Formal syntax and semantics of modeling languages such as the UML
  • Rigorous model-based analysis
  • Model composition, refinement and transformation
  • Software Language Engineering
  • Modeling Languages in Science and Engineering
  • Language Adaptation and Composition
  • Metamodeling techniques
  • Measuring quality of models and languages
  • Ontological approaches to model engineering
  • Generating test and code artifacts from models
  • Model synthesis
  • Methodology
  • Model development tool environments
  • Modeling Cyberphysical Systems
  • Data intensive modeling
  • Derivation of explicit models from data
  • Case studies and experience reports with significant modeling lessons learned
  • Comparative analyses of modeling languages and techniques
  • Scientific assessment of modeling practices

More information can be found at, which contains recent editorials, as well as information about the submission process for different paper categories (such as regular survey/overview, and special themes).


Benoit Combemale
University of Rennes
Rennes, France
   Jeff Gray
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA
   Bernhard Rumpe
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany

Associate Editors-in-Chief

Marsha Chechik
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Jean-Marc Jezequel
IRISA/INRIA and University of Rennes 1
Rennes, France

Assistant Editors

Stéphanie Challita
University of Rennes
Rennes, France
   Huseyin Ergin
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana, USA
   Martin Schindler
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany

SoSyM Ambassadors

China SoSyM Ambassador
Tao Yue
Beihang University, China
          India SoSyM Ambassador
Vinay Kulkarni
Tata Consultancy Services, India

Advisory Board

Egidio Astesiano (Italy)
Jean Bezivin (France)
Grady Booch (USA)
Manfred Broy (Germany)
Martin Gogolla (Germany)
David Harel (Israel)
          Michael Jackson (UK)
Tom Maibaum (Canada)
Pierre-Alain Muller (France)
Wolfgang Reisig (Germany)
Bran Selic (Canada)

Editorial Board

Silvia Abrahao (Spain)
Perry Alexander (USA)
Daniel Amyot (Canada)
Colin Atkinson (Germany)
Joanne Atlee (Canada)
Benoit Baudry (Canada)
Nelly Bencomo (UK)
Ruth Breu (Austria)
Lionel Briand (Ireland)
Jean-Michel Bruel (France)
Didier Buchs (Switzerland)
Loli Burgueño (Spain)
Jordi Cabot (Luxembourg)
Betty Cheng (USA)
Antonio Cicchetti (Sweden)
Tony Clark (UK)
Peter Clarke (USA)
Philippe Collet (France)
Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado (Spain)
Juan De Lara (Spain)
Davide di Ruscio (Italy)
Jürgen Dingel (Canada)
Alexander Egyed (Austria)
Gregor Engels (Germany)
Ulrich Frank (Germany)
Sebastien Gerard (France)
Sudipto Ghosh (USA)
Holger Giese (Germany)
Martin Glinz (Switzerland)
Abel Gómez (Spain)
Esther Guerra (Spain)
Oystein Haugen (Norway)
Zhenjiang Hu (Japan)
          Gabor Karsai (USA)
Jörg Kienzle (Canada)
Dimitris Kolovos (UK)
Thomas Kühne (New Zealand)
Kevin Lano (UK)
Yves Le Traon (Luxembourg)
Gary T. Leavens (USA)
Timothy C. Lethbridge (Canada)
Hong Mei (China)
Judith Michael (Germany)
Dragan Milicev (Serbia)
Ana Moreira (Portugal)
Richard Paige (Canada)
Rob Pettit (USA)
Alfonso Pierantonio (Italy)
Alexander Pretschner (Germany)
Iris Reinhartz-Berger (Israel)
Jan Oliver Ringert (UK)
Adrian Rutle (Norway)
Houari Sahraoui (Canada)
Ina Schäfer (Germany)
Ketil Stølen (Norway)
Gabriele Taentzer (Germany)
Massimo Tisi (France)
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen (Finland)
Wil van der Aalst (Germany)
Dániel Varró (Sweden)
Andrzej Wasowski (Denmark)
Barbara Weber (Switzerland)
Manuel Wimmer (Austria)
Andreas Wortmann (Germany)
Tao Yue (China)
Steffen Zschaler (UK)


A complete list of all Reviewers can be found here.

This information is available under


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