SoSyM is now also soliciting Tool Papers

Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) is seeking articles that describe and analyze innovative software tools and systems that are shaping the future of modeling and related fields as we believe tools are an important contribution to our scientific and practice community and deserve to be recognized as such.

We are particularly interested in articles that describe tools in any of the topic areas that are of special interest for SoSyM and that have a significant impact on software and systems modeling practices. Articles can address any aspect of these tools, including their architecture, design patterns, implementation techniques, usability, interest of the domain, and the ways they have been applied in the real world. Each tool paper must also explicitly address why the tool is important for the community and the lessons learnt designing, building, testing or disseminating the tool (so that readers can learn from your experience even if they are not the target user of the tool).

Tool papers will be reviewed according to same high-quality standards of SoSyM. Therefore, tool papers for SoSyM must be of high quality and within the areas of interest of the journal. A paper can only be accepted if it meets these criteria:

  • Technical quality is high.
  • The presentation is effective.
  • The paper points out the importance for the community and lessons learnt as stated above.
  • The tool is relevant for the community and poses an advance with respect to the state of the art.
  • The tool or system is available (either as an open-source software or as a freemium product).
  • The tool has been applied in relevant scenarios that are described in the paper.

To submit a Tool Paper follow the general submission process and select "Tool Paper" as manuscript type.