SoSyM Journal-First
We have established a continuous collaboration between SoSyM and the MODELS conference in organizing the SoSyM "Journal-First" opportunity, which enables authors of recent SoSyM papers to present their work across the core conference sessions at MODELS. Through this collaboration, selected SoSyM authors have the opportunity to reach a broader audience to present their work. This also benefits the MODELS conference program by including research talks that explore more depth through analytical and empirical evidence than that can be presented in a traditional conference submission.
Papers are selected from accepted/published SoSyM papers within the previous year. In order for your paper to be considered for Journal-First, please confirm the participation for this program in step 6 of the submission process.
Judith Michael & Volodymyr A. Shekhovtsov
A model-based reference architecture for complex assistive systems and its application
Hossain Muhammad Muctadir, David A. Manrique Negrin, Raghavendran Gunasekaran, Loek Cleophas, Mark van den Brand & Boudewijn R. Haverkort
Current trends in digital twin development, maintenance, and operation: an interview study
Bentley James Oakes, Javier Troya, Jessie Galasso & Manuel Wimmer
Fault localization in DSLTrans model transformations by combining symbolic execution and spectrum-based analysis
Arianna Fedeli, Fabrizio Fornari, Andrea Polini, Barbara Re, Victoria Torres & Pedro Valderas
FloBP: a model-driven approach for developing and executing IoT-enhanced business processes
Thuy Nguyen, Imen Sayar, Sophie Ebersold & Jean-Michel Bruel
Identifying and fixing ambiguities in, and semantically accurate formalisation of, behavioural requirements
Qusai Ramadan, Marco Konersmann, Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Jan Jürjens & Steffen Staab
MBFair: a model-based verification methodology for detecting violations of individual fairness
Olav Bunte, Jasper Denkers, Louis C. M. van Gool, Jurgen J. Vinju, Eelco Visser, Tim A. C. Willemse & Andy Zaidman
OIL: an industrial case study in language engineering with Spoofax
Faezeh Khorram, Erwan Bousse, Jean-Marie Mottu & Gerson Sunyé
Advanced testing and debugging support for reactive executable DSLs
Steffen Zschaler, Erwan Bousse, Julien Deantoni & Benoit Combemale
A generic framework for representing and analyzing model concurrency
Stefan John, Jens Kosiol, Leen Lambers & Gabriele Taentzer
A graph-based framework for model-driven optimization facilitating impact analysis of mutation operator properties
Siamak Farshidi, Izaak Beer Kwantes & Slinger Jansen
Business process modeling language selection for research modelers
Dimitris Kolovos & Alfonso de la Vega
Flexmi: a generic and modular textual syntax for domain-specific modelling
Antonio Bucchiarone, Maxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec, Antonio Cicchetti, Sébastien Gérard, Simone Bassanelli, Federica Gini & Annapaola Marconi
Gamifying model-based engineering: the PapyGame experience
Thomas Kühne
Multi-dimensional multi-level modeling
Istvan David & Eugene Syriani
Real-time collaborative multi-level modeling by conflict-free replicated data types
Alessio Bucaioni, Amleto Di Salle, Ludovico Iovino, Ivano Malavolta & Patrizio Pelliccione
Reference architectures modelling and compliance checking
Johannes Erbel & Jens Grabowski
Scientific workflow execution in the cloud using a dynamic runtime model
Bhisma Adhikari, Eric J. Rapos & Matthew Stephan
SimIMA: a virtual Simulink intelligent modeling assistant - Simulink intelligent modeling assistance through machine learning and model clones
Maxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec & Sébastien Gérard
Understanding the need for assistance in software modeling: interviews with experts
Alessio Bucaioni, Antonio Cicchetti & Federico Ciccozzi
Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review
MohammadHadi Dehghani, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz-Rahimi, Massimo Tisi & Dalila Tamzalit
Facilitating the migration to the microservice architecture via model-driven reverse engineering and reinforcement learning
Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Claudio Di Sipio, Phuong T. Nguyen & Alfonso Pierantonio
MemoRec: a recommender system for assisting modelers in specifying metamodels
Mohamed El-Attar
Are models better read on paper or on screen? A comparative study
Mohamed El-Attar
Evaluating the accessibility of a PoN-enabled misuse case notation by the red–green colorblind community
Tobias Franz, Christoph Seidl, Philipp M. Fischer & Andreas Gerndt
Utilizing multi-level concepts for multi-phase modeling - Context-awareness and process-based constraints to enable model evolution
Katharina Großer, Volker Riediger & Jan Jürjens
Requirements document relations - A reuse perspective on traceability through standards
Georg Hinkel, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez, René Schöne, Artur Boronat, Massimo Tisi, Théo Le Calvar, Frederic Jouault, József Marton, Tamás Nyíri, János Benjamin Antal, Márton Elekes & Gábor Szárnyas
A cross-technology benchmark for incremental graph queries
Jörg Holtmann, Julien Deantoni & Markus Fockel
Early timing analysis based on scenario requirements and platform models
Onur Kilincceker, Ercument Turk, Fevzi Belli & Moharram Challenger
Model-based ideal testing of hardware description language (HDL) programs
José Antonio Hernández López, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo & Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado
ModelSet: a dataset for machine learning in model-driven engineering
Ana C. Marcén, Francisca Pérez, Óscar Pastor & Carlos Cetina
Enhancing software model encoding for feature location approaches based on machine learning techniques
Luciano Marchezan, Roland Kretschmer, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Alexander Reder & Alexander Egyed
Generating repairs for inconsistent models
Hana Mkaouar, Dominique Blouin & Etienne Borde
A benchmark of incremental model transformation tools based on an industrial case study with AADL
Chihab eddine Mokaddem, Houari Sahraoui & Eugene Syriani
A generic approach to detect design patterns in model transformations using a string-matching algorithm
Bernd Neumayr & Michael Schrefl
Domain object hierarchies inducing multi-level models
Juan Marcelo Parra-Ullauri, Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, Changgang Zheng, Chen Zhen, Juan Boubeta-Puig, Guadalupe Ortiz & Shufan Yang
Event-driven temporal models for explanations - ETeMoX: explaining reinforcement learning
Paola Y. Reyes-Delgado, Hector A. Duran-Limon, Manuel Mora & Laura C. Rodriguez-Martinez
SOCAM: a service-oriented computing architecture modeling method
Jörn Guy Süß, Samantha Swift & Eban Escott
Using DevOps toolchains in Agile model-driven engineering
Dimitri Van Landuyt & Wouter Joosen
A descriptive study of assumptions in STRIDE security threat modeling
Alfonso de la Vega & Dimitris Kolovos
An efficient line-based approach for resolving merge conflicts in XMI-based models
Martin Weyssow, Houari Sahraoui & Eugene Syriani
Recommending metamodel concepts during modeling activities with pre-trained language models
Kangfeng Ye, Ana Cavalcanti, Simon Foster, Alvaro Miyazawa & Jim Woodcock
Probabilistic modelling and verification using RoboChart and PRISM
Istvan David, Malvina Latifaj, Jakob Pietron, Weixing Zhang, Federico Ciccozzi, Ivano Malavolta, Alexander Raschke, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer & Regina Hebig
Blended modeling in commercial and open-source model-driven software engineering tools: A systematic study
Moussa Amrani, Dominique Blouin, Robert Heinrich, Arend Rensink, Hans Vangheluwe & Andreas Wortmann
Multi-paradigm modelling for cyber–physical systems: a descriptive framework
Sebastian Pilarski, Martin Staniszewski, Matthew Bryan, Frederic Villeneuve & Dániel Varró
Predictions-on-chip: model-based training and automated deployment of machine learning models at runtime
Ferenc A. Somogyi, Gergely Mezei, Zoltán Theisz, Sándor Bácsi & Dániel Palatinszky
Playground for multi-level modeling constructs
Adrien Le Coënt, Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto & Alexandre Chapoutot
Guaranteed master for interval-based cosimulation
Léa Brunschwig, Esther Guerra & Juan de Lara
Modelling on mobile devices - A systematic mapping study
Saša Kuhar & Gregor Polancic
Conceptualization, measurement, and application of semantic transparency in visual notations - A systematic literature review
Walter Cazzola, Sudipto Ghosh, Mohammed Al-Refai & Gabriele Maurina
Bridging the model-to-code abstraction gap with fuzzy logic in model-based regression test selection
Gábor Bergmann
Controllable and decomposable multidirectional synchronizations
Javier Troya, Nathalie Moreno, Manuel F. Bertoa & Antonio Vallecillo
Uncertainty representation in software models: a survey
Lissette Almonte, Esther Guerra, Iván Cantador & Juan de Lara
Recommender systems in model-driven engineering - A systematic mapping review
Martina De Sanctis, Ludovico Iovino, Maria Teresa Rossi & Manuel Wimmer
MIKADO: a smart city KPIs assessment modeling framework
Wenjun Xiong, Emeline Legrand, Oscar Åberg & Robert Lagerström
Cyber security threat modeling based on the MITRE Enterprise ATT&CK Matrix
Alexander Boll, Florian Brokhausen, Tiago Amorim, Timo Kehrer & Andreas Vogelsang
Characteristics, potentials, and limitations of open-source Simulink projects for empirical research
Oszkár Semeráth, Aren A. Babikian, Boqi Chen, Chuning Li, Kristóf Marussy, Gábor Szárnyas & Dániel Varró
Automated generation of consistent, diverse and structurally realistic graph models
Stéphanie Challita, Fabian Korte, Johannes Erbel, Faiez Zalila, Jens Grabowski & Philippe Merle
Model-based cloud resource management with TOSCA and OCCI
Shahar Maoz & Jan Oliver Ringert
Spectra: a specification language for reactive systems
Swaib Dragule, Thorsten Berger, Claudio Menghi & Patrizio Pelliccione
A survey on the design space of end-user-oriented languages for specifying robotic missions
Weslley Torres, Mark G. J. van den Brand & Alexander Serebrenik
A systematic literature review of cross-domain model consistency checking by model management tools
Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara & Mercedes G. Merayo
Wodel-Test: a model-based framework for language-independent mutation testing
Jaime Font, Lorena Arcega, Øystein Haugen & Carlos Cetina
Handling nonconforming individuals in search-based model-driven engineering: nine generic strategies for feature location in the modeling space of the meta-object facility
Sina Madani, Dimitris Kolovos & Richard F. Paige
Distributed model validation with Epsilon
Maher Fakih, Oliver Klemp, Stefan Puch & Kim Grüttner
A modeling methodology for collaborative evaluation of future automotive innovations
Mahsa Panahandeh, Mohammad Hamdaqa, Bahman Zamani & Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj
MUPPIT: a method for using proper patterns in model transformations
Siamak Farshidi, Slinger Jansen & Sven Fortuin
Model-driven development platform selection: four industry case studies
Arvind Nair, Xia Ning & James H. Hill
Using recommender systems to improve proactive modeling
David Granada, Juan M. Vara, Mercedes Merayo & Esperanza Marcos
CEViNEdit: improving the process of creating cognitively effective graphical editors with GMF
Matias Pol'la, Agustina Buccella & Alejandra Cechich
Analysis of variability models: a systematic literature review
Feng Zhu & Jun Tang
Graphical composite modeling and simulation for multi-aircraft collision avoidance
Stefan Klikovits & Didier Buchs
Pragmatic reuse for DSML development
Mojtaba Bagherzadeh, Karim Jahed, Benoit Combemale & Juergen Dingel
Live modeling in the context of state machine models and code generation
Yinling Liu, Tao Wang, Haiqing Zhang & Vincent Cheutet
An improved approach on the model checking for an agent-based simulation system
Simin Cai, Barbara Gallina, Dag Nyström & Cristina Seceleanu
Specification and automated verification of atomic concurrent real-time transactions
Anthony Anjorin, Thomas Buchmann, Bernhard Westfechtel, Zinovy Diskin, Hsiang-Shang Ko, Romina Eramo, Georg Hinkel, Leila Samimi-Dehkordi & Albert Zündorf
Benchmarking bidirectional transformations: theory, implementation, application, and assessment
Milena Guessi, Flavio Oquendo & Elisa Yumi Nakagawa
Ark: a constraint-based method for architectural synthesis of smart systems
Enyo Gonçalves, Camilo Almendra, Miguel Goulão, João Araújo & Jaelson Castro
Using empirical studies to mitigate symbol overload in iStar extensions
Nicolas Hili, Mojtaba Bagherzadeh, Karim Jahed & Juergen Dingel
A model-based architecture for interactive run-time monitoring
Karim Jahed, Mojtaba Bagherzadeh & Juergen Dingel
On the benefits of file-level modularity for EMF models
Stefan Götz, Matthias Tichy & Raffaela Groner
Claimed advantages and disadvantages of (dedicated) model transformation languages: a systematic literature review
Juan C. Vidal, Paulo Carreira, Vasco Amaral, Joao Aguiam & João Sousa
Towards high-level fuzzy control specifications for building automation systems
Bence Graics, Vince Molnár, András Vörös, István Majzik & Dániel Varró
Mixed-semantics composition of statecharts for the component-based design of reactive systems
Yentl Van Tendeloo, Simon Van Mierlo & Hans Vangheluwe
A Multi-Paradigm Modelling approach to live modelling
Alvaro Miyazawa, Pedro Ribeiro, Wei Li, Ana Cavalcanti, Jon Timmis & Jim Woodcock
RoboChart: modelling and verification of the functional behaviour of robotic applications
Patrick Leserf, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes & Jérôme Hugues
Trade-off analysis for SysML models using decision points and CSPs
Fazilat Hojaji, Tanja Mayerhofer, Bahman Zamani, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj & Erwan Bousse
Model execution tracing: a systematic mapping study
Iván Ruiz-Rube, Tatiana Person, Juan Manuel Dodero, José Miguel Mota & Javier Merchán Sánchez-Jara
Applying static code analysis for domain-specific languages
Jenny Ruiz, Estefanía Serral & Monique Snoeck
Evaluating user interface generation approaches: model-based versus model-driven development
Sabine Wolny, Alexandra Mazak, Christine Carpella, Verena Geist & Manuel Wimmer
Thirteen years of SysML: a systematic mapping study
Alexandre Petrenko
Toward testing from finite state machines with symbolic inputs and outputs
Fabio Cremona, Marten Lohstroh, David Broman, Edward A. Lee, Michael Masin, Stavros Tripakis
Hybrid co-simulation: it's about time
Hugo Bruneliere, Erik Burger, Jordi Cabot, Manuel Wimmer
A feature-based survey of model view approaches
Markus Voelter, Bernd Kolb, Klaus Birken, Federico Tomassetti, Patrick Alff, Laurent Wiart, Andreas Wortmann, Arne Nordmann
Using language workbenches and domain-specific languages for safety-critical software development
Alejandro Rago, Claudia Marcos & J. Andres Diaz-Pace
Identifying duplicate functionality in textual use cases by aligning semantic actions
Cédric Eichler, Thierry Monteil, Patricia Stolf, Luigi Alfredo Grieco & Khalil Drira
Enhanced graph rewriting systems for complex software domains
Matthias Farwick, Christian M. Schweda, Ruth Breu & Inge Hanschke
A situational method for semi-automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation
Songzheng Song, Jiexin Zhang, Yang Liu, Mikhail Auguston, Jun Sun, Jin Song Dong & Tieming Chen
Formalizing and verifying stochastic system architectures using Monterey Phoenix
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